
Showing posts from February, 2018

افضل كتاب للمساعدة في اتقان التعلم النشط / The Best Book to Help you Master Interactive Learning

My Gift for All Teachers هديتي لكل المعلمين  صباح / مساء الخير جميعا نحاول ان نضيف احيانا شيئا جديدا عندما نعلم طلابنا ..  نعلم تماما ان مصادر الحصول على طرق التعليم الحديثة كثيرة لكن وسط هذا الزخم الكبير لا نجد المصدر المناسب لتقديم معلومات مفيدة حول بعض استراتيجيات التعلم النشط ..  لكن الحمد لله بعد البحث وجدت كتابا منذ زمن و احببت ان اشارككم به هنا اعتبره من الاسهل - ان لم يكن هو الاسهل - في هذا المجال  كل استراتيجية يتم شرحها في صفحتين كاقصى تقدير  * | لغة الشرح سهلة و مبسطة و تؤدي الى الهدف دون تعقيد  *  حتى يكون مهيئا للاستخدام عبر الابتوب او الهاتف الذكي  PDF حملت الكتاب بصيغة  *  و بكذا تقدر تخطط درسك حتى في وقت فراغك في المدرسة   الشكر بعد الله للمؤلف / ماشي الشمري الكتاب هو : 101 استراتيجية في التعلم النشط Good day / night everyone, Sometimes we want to apply something new in our teaching but we find some troubles looking for the best and the easiest way to do that. So many...

Issue / solution:: Interactive Book Black Screen ( Not Working)

The Issue : The application shows a Black Screen or does not work at all. How does it happen? After downloading and unzipping the file, you should not put the folder on your desktop or any other location in your C drive. Putting that folder in  there would not allow it to work. You might see a black screen instead. The Solution : Change the location of the folder. Take it to any other driver rather than C  Dont put it on your (  desktop, Documents .. etc.) either. But I still want it on my desktop for easy access.. So what should I do? Make a shortcut of that folder on your desktop To do that; do as follows: 1- go to folder + click the right button on your mouse ..  2- A menu appears so choose ... send to 3- Choose .. Desktop ( as a shortcut) ..  You will find it easily on your desktop and it can now work just fine   Important Links: Traveller Interacive Books + PDF Books Go to the Dow...

Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

" Reciprocal Teaching Strategy  " can be helpful when teaching ( reading ) ..  Why use reciprocal teaching? It encourages students to think about their own thought process during reading. It helps students learn to be actively involved and monitor their comprehension as they read. It teaches students to ask questions during reading and helps make the text more comprehensible. How to use reciprocal teaching It aims to develop four important reading skills ..  So obviously, the students should be familiar with these four. Put students in groups of four. Distribute one note card to each member of the group identifying each person's unique role: Summarizer Questioner Clarifier Predictor Have students read a few paragraphs of the assigned text selection. Encourage them to use note-taking strategies such as selective underlining or sticky-notes to help them better prepare for their role in the discussion. At the given stopping point, th...

Traveller 4 Preparation Sheet

Hello again, A well-designed and presened preparation sheet you will find here. My deepest thanks and wishes for the one who worked hard to make such a useful work available for English Language teachers. Download in Word Format

Traveller 2 Preparation sheet

Hello everyone , Here is a nice work that I have found for Traveller 2 preparation sheet. Thanks are sent to the doer of s uch a neat work. I hope you would enjoy and benefit. Download in Word Format